Elementary Operating System For PC | TechniicalGuru

Elementary Operating System reviews

Elementary Operating System For PC

As we know about What is an Operating System?

Ya! All we knows about it. A Operating System is nothing but a User-Interface that is used to communicate with Hardware means by using Operating System we handle the task and Command through Input devices.

Types of Operating System:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Blackberry
  • Android
And as these are the type of Operating System, and yes we all know about it.

You know which is the Operating System in this list which provide a High-Class Security and
which Operating System is known as World Secure Operating System?

Answer: Mac,  yes Mac this Operating System provide a World-Best Security to a user

Recently the developer of Mac releases an Operating-System Called Elementary OS the Operating is release by a developer of Mac. The Elementary Os is the Fast, open and Privacy-Respecting Operating System and it can be use for Replacement of Windows Operating System, or you can dual boot it. You can download the Elementary OS from the below link:

The Elementary OS is an Commercial Operating System. You to have to buy it, custom options are available on the website as your requirement. The Elementary OS is an Open-Source Operating System. The main features of Elementary OS is:

  • WIRED : Elementary OS is different a beautiful powerful Operating System the will run well even on Old PCs.
  • Mac|Life: A fast low maintenance platform that can be installed virtually anywhere.
  • lifehacker: "Light-weight and fast completely community based OS and has a real flair for design and appearance.

What news in Elementary OS 5 Juno

Majorly updated apps. All-new Code. Night Light. Picture-in-Picture. More productive window management and tiling. Shortcut Overlay. Color emoji 🎉. And a ton more.

Get it on AppCenter

Get free and paid apps on AppCenter, the open, pay-what-you-want app store for indie developers. Each has been reviewed and curated by elementary to ensure a native, privacy-respecting, and secure experience.

Elementary Operating System For PC | TechniicalGuru Elementary Operating System For PC | TechniicalGuru Reviewed by Junaid Website on May 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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